
The Sharps Containers line, containers for needles and cutting tools, has been designed to resist puncture by needles and cannulae which are the main cause of injury to hospital staff. As far as the Waste Containers line is concerned, containers for the disposal of dangerous hospital waste, the special peripheral adhesive with which the lids are fitted to create an air-tight seal with the container thus preventing any risk of infection.
Extremely solid and resistant, these containers do not fear shock as they are designed to resist the hardhest transport conditions while heading towards the dump or incinerator. They are also designed to withstand different working temperatures.
The guarantee of the quality of the product is given by constant attention to the management of the quality system and to the ongoing product testing performed internally as well as by the laboratories that certify the product.
In response to the increasing market needs various projects were implemented aiming at raising and ensuring the security standard throughout the entire supply chain, allowing to become a certified organization according to the ISO 28000:2007 and obtain the status of Authorized Economic Operator with full AEOF authorization. Moreover, Keter Italia is member of Sedex and the working conditions across the supply chain in terms of standards of labour, health and safety, environment and business ethics are regularly assessed by using the social auditing methodology SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit).

UN, packaging approval concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road.

French certification brand awarded by LNE (Laboratoire national de métrologie et d’essais) under AFNOR mandate, which guarantees quality and safety of the products. This brand does not only ensure conformity to standards but compliance with supplementary qualitative criteria corresponding to the needs of consumers/users.

Registered English Mark issued by the BSI (British Standards Institution), one of the most recognized brands which guarantees quality and safety of products to consumers. It has been issued in accordance with the new regulation UNI EN ISO 23907-1:2019.

FDA: Endorsement by the American “Food and Drug Administration” for sharps containers.

The TRBA 250 regulates protection from needle stick injuries. Compliance to German Standard which defines the requirements for protection from sharps.

ISO 9001: Certification mark of the company quality system according to the ISO 9001 International Standards requirements.

The International Standard ISO 28000:2007 defines the requirements for the implementation and certification of a security management system along the supply chain of an organization.

Authorized Economic Operator – AEOF

Sedex assists businesses in evaluating their sites and supply chain based on their organisation’s standards of labour, health and safety, environment and business ethics.

ISO 16103:2005 specifies the requirements and test methods for the production of recycled plastics materials to be used for packagings for the transport of dangerous goods. This includes guidance on the quality assurance programme